best chrome extensions for productivity by Opsule

Best Chrome Extensions for productivity

When it comes to getting stuff done, your web browser can be your greatest friend or your worst foe. Most often, it manages to be both at the same time.

The same portal that gives you instant access to a world’s worth of research, expert opinions, Google Docs, and email also serves up the constant temptations on Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, email.

But, for better and worse, it’s a tool most of us simply can’t live (or make a living) without. The Best Chrome Extensions can help you curb the most distracting parts of the web while taking full advantage of all its productive benefits.

best chrome extensions for productivity by Opsule
Image credits > Fossbytes

Now since you know that Google has so much to offer, we would make things a little easy for you! Here we have compiled a list of Best Chrome Extensions to help you improve your performance and increase your productivity.

Best Chrome Extensions

1. Todoist

The Todoist Chrome extension is a simple, but useful task manager. With it, you can keep track of your projects, and manage all your tasks, by organizing and delegating them directly from your Chrome.

Best Chrome Extensions for productivity by Opsule blog

Todoist’s Chrome extension is one of the most popular platforms for a reason. This extension will convert any URL into a Todoist task from within your browser.

This extension is also great for when you have a lot of deadlines you want to keep track of because it lets you define due dates, and prioritize tasks accordingly.

To make matters easier, you can color-code your projects, create sub-groups and sub-projects, and really micromanage your daily workload. This is one of the best chrome extensions in 2020.

2. Noisli

Noisli is one of those Chrome extensions specifically designed to boost your productivity.

Best Chrome Extensions for productivity by Opsule blog

To focus better on the task at hand, you just have to choose the sound combo you find most inspiring. This can be the sound of falling rain, the sound of a storm, coffee shop chatter, wood noises, fire crackling, white noise, the sound of the wind and crickets, and more.

The list of sounds is really extensive, and you can combine whatever number of sounds you want.

Noisli is especially useful if you’re working in an open office where the background noises are likely to distract you. Just switch on the extension, choose a sound combination you want, and put your headphones on. This is one of the best chrome extensions.

3. RescueTime

If manual time tracking isn’t your jam, you may want to automate it with RescueTime. This handy app runs in the background on your computer logging where exactly all your time goes.

Best Chrome Extensions for productivity by Opsule blog

The RescueTime Chrome extension brings that automated time tracking to your web browser keeping track of how much time you spend on which sites and auto-categorizing those sites from Very Productive to Very Distracting.

Armed with an objective look at how you spend your time inside Chrome, you can start setting goals and taking steps to align your time with your actual priorities. This is one of the best chrome extensions in 2020.

4. buffer

Social media is a powerful tool for networking and building an audience online. But, if left unchecked, it can quickly suck up all your extra time and energy.

Best Chrome Extensions for productivity by Opsule blog

Buffer helps you take that time and mental energy back. The app automates your social posting so you can queue up your posts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more ahead of time and have them post at the best times for peak engagement. This is one of the best chrome extensions.

5. StayFocusd

If you lack the willpower to stay away from YouTube, Reddit, Facebook and other time-consuming websites on your own, StayFocusd is the choice for you.

Best Chrome Extensions for productivity by Opsule blog

This extension will help you avoid online distractions by restricting the time you’re allowed to spend on them.

Say you want to restrict the time you spend daily on Facebook to 10 minutes. Just add Facebook to your list of blocked sites, choose 10 minutes, and shift attention to your daily work.

You’ll probably check Facebook occasionally, but you can spend only a total of 10 minutes on it a day. Once your 10 minutes are up, you won’t be able to access Facebook, or any other blocked website until the next day.

You also won’t be able to change the settings to give yourself more minutes on a website once your time on it has expired, so your willpower won’t be tempted.

Another great feature of this extension is the Nuclear Option. Here, you can set the number of hours or days in which you want to be completely restricted from entering certain sites.

Once you turn on this option, there isn’t a way you can turn it off, until the time you’ve entered has expired. This is one of the best chrome extensions in 2020.

6. Zoho Annotator

Zoho Annotator is the most elegant and efficient annotation tool.It annotates web pages to review after capturing its screenshot and save the changes as an image.

Best Chrome Extensions for productivity by Opsule blog

You can also add annotations to images on your desktop such as design mockups, illustrations, and diagrams after opening the Zoho Annotator and uploading the respective image.

Zoho Annotator captures the full page or the visible area of a page or only a part of the page and also captures the whole desktop screen or the desktop window. This is one of the best chrome extensions.